Monday, October 5, 2009

Beginning of a Season

I woke up to my sister taking a pair of heels off my door this morning. On her way out, almost as an afterthought, she said, "Oh, P.S. , it snowed last night."

Something happened last night as I was safely ensconced in my warm blanket blissfully unaware of the outside world. It rained last night, and it was so cold last night, that it froze. Having lived in California for all my years before coming up to Idaho, I love the sun. It's warmth, it's color, and the way it lights up a blue sky. The snow just is not the same. Sure it's pretty for a while before it gets all brown and turns to slush. But it just lacks color.

So this marks the change of fall into winter. What a short season it was. I wish we had a fireplace, because this is the perfect time to start reading in front if it. So take advantage if you have one, enjoy it.

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