Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Sometimes I think about the past. Not like last week, or last year even. But the real past. I think about those that have come before us. Those that built this country for us, those that made our families who we are today. I think about those saints that crossed the plains and buried loves ones.

Each one of them was a person. They weren't abstract beings. They had concrete personalities. They laughed at jokes and cried when they were sad. I had great,great,great etc. grandparents that didn't like venison, or far removed cousins that hated the rain.

All these people were characters. They lived. They walked. They fought. They triumphed. Their history provides the foundation for our future. We are who we are because of them. Does that not astound anyone else?

I am so grateful for those that have come before me. For their sacrifices and for their spirits. I feel a connection with them. They've done so much for me, and I want to do all that I can for the generations that come after me. It's a daunting task when one thinks about the backwards world we're living in today, but an important one.

I don't know if I'm adequately getting across the way I'm feeling right now. I just think all of our stories are amazing. These amazing stories we wouldn't have without them.

I'm blessed.

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