Sunday, October 24, 2010

AoG Day 3

Today, I am grateful for small mercies. For church, I usually pack a couple packs of fruit snacks to tide me over until I get home. I usually have morning meetings and am gone for a long time.

I had to leave early today for a meeting and forgot to grab my snacks. I texted my roommate to bring them with her, but she was sick and not attending church. I was sad.

While sitting in Relief Society, I was digging in my purse for some gum, when what should I find but a pack of My Little Pony fruit snacks. I leaned over to my friend Stacey Bond, and whispered, "Jesus loves me." and proceeded to eat my bounty.

Also, I found a girl who knows Excel pretty well in my Relief Society that came over to help me out with some stuff that I had been stuck on. She seems pretty fun too. New friend!

Despite the long day and the dreary weather we're having, today was a good day. :)

1 comment:

Hannah said...

hahahahah I LOVE you and miss you terribly!