Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Loss of Thought

I think that in today's world we have far too many distractions. Cell phones, iPods, the internet, television, the movies, the list could go on forever. It seems that we have to always be doing something. We can't just be alone with our thoughts. It's as if the idea of cutting out the interference and actually contemplating scares us.

I forgot how much I enjoy sitting on the couch and just looking out the window. No TV on, or music playing. Just me sitting on the couch enjoying my own thoughts. It's an amazing thing to sit in silence and just ponder. I love the feeling of relaxation it gives me. I'm open to thoughts and experiences that I am not when I am distracted by the technology of today.

I had a chance to ponder yesterday on my walk home from class. After conferencing with a TA about one of my papers I started the uphill walk home. Being Rexburg,ID it is freezing outside in the winter, below freezing actually, and I usually distract myself by listening to my iPod. But today I had left my iPod in my backpack and I didn't want to remove my gloves to retrieve it and turn it on.

So I walked the 12+ minute walk home in silence, contemplating the wonder that is this world. As shown by my last post I have been thinking a lot lately about where we came from. I wondered what the pioneers would think of this city they founded. Rexburg was founded by Latter Day Saint pioneers as well. It was prophesied that a great university would be built, and now I attend that university. I wonder if they would marvel over that which they started all those years ago. Would they exclaim over the library and all the books of learning inside? Would they stop before the temple and stare in wonder at its beauty? Would they praise the inventor of the car, an invention that allows us to stay warm and travel in the winter? Would they find the drive-thru a curious thing?

I find these kind of moments enjoyable. Moments where I am able to dialogue with myself and just ponder. I'd like to think that the pioneers would stand in wonder of all of the worlds' progression. There have been some amazing things going on since their time.

Take some time to just talk to yourself, it's something that the world needs, but rarely does.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree, we are entirely too distracted. I think "someone" ma be trying to keep us from being still and pondering which is how we communicate with the Lord. Love your posts, love you, Aunt Amy