Saturday, August 1, 2009


Sorry about the break folks. I took a little time of from life you might say. I just finished school last week and felt a little burnt out. I haven't done much since I got home, but it'd been nice not having to really worry about anything.

Over the next couple days I will try and catch up on the things that I didn't get to blog about. I finished my blessing dress and in the mean time made a coat! It's super cute, and it was fairly simple!!

Grades came out on Wednesday, and I'm pretty happy with them. Not too bad :)


Toni Lynn said...

You took a class called "Concentration?"
This is why I don't go to Idaho for school.

Kristi said...

It was a dinky half credit online class that I had to take because I withdrew from an English class. It just helps you cut out distractions, and teaches you techniques for memorization. They were actually quite helpful in memorizing altitude adjustments when baking.

You're just bitter because you don't live across the street from a rockin temple!