Friday, October 22, 2010


I've been feeling super whiny this week. Everything irritates me and I find myself making sarcastic comments under my breath in every class. Though funny(everyone laughs), some of them are not as nice as they could be.

My patience has run out. I'm trying not to be this jaded old lady, but that's how I feel. Jaded.

How does one go about unjading themselves? I want to, unjade myself that is. I'm trying to see the world through non-critical eyes, but is harder than I thought it would be. Sometimes I'll be doing really good, then I'll see something and slip back into my old habits. It's a process. My roommate Channing is trying to keep an Attitude of Gratitude journal to change her way of thinking. I think I'll do that too. Maybe I'll use this blog to give thanks.

So each day, I'll try and post at least one thing that I'm grateful for.

Today, I'm grateful that it is Friday. No one will ever know how grateful.

I'm also thankful for nerdy girl things like this that make me smile and scour the interwebs for copies of these movies. A lot of them are available on Netflix Instant Play. Bonus! Enjoy :)

1 comment:

Katie Jo said...

LOVE that Alan Rickman is in that little montage!!