Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Words are powerful. They have the ability to change lives. A well-crafted sentence can cause a person to weep or laugh out loud. Words spoken in haste can hurt feelings. Words are everything. It amazes me, that as an English major, I still sometimes forget that.

I forget that my words have an impact on those around me. I forget that I have the power to make someone happy or sad with the things that come out of my mouth. It affects people.

Sometimes my words are spoken with little thought as to the reception they might have. It's those words that hang around the longest. Those words that once spoken, can never be taken back. The words that are spoken or typed quickly, without filter, are the ones that really make me pause later.

My words have made people laugh and they have made people cry, not always in a good way. I apologize for that. My only excuse is that I'm young and somewhat full of myself sometimes. I make mistakes and those mistakes sometimes end up screwing over other people.

To those that I have hurt with my words, I apologize. Most stemmed from too little sleep and the inability to slip into slumber. You didn't deserve my rancor and I hope that you'll forgive me sometime.

I'm a writer that is still learning when to leave the thoughts in my head unwritten. It's something that I'm fervently working on.


Sierra said...

Dude. I just realized this was to me. I feel bad about what I put on Tumblr. Like you, when I am tired sometimes things just come out and I don't think about what would happen if someone actually saw it. And then I think back and I'm like "seriously, Sierra? Seriously?"
So much happened with all of that, that when I saw the thing I was just kind of reminded and flew off the handle.

So the long and short of it is I am so sorry. And I also accept your apology :)

Kristi said...

Thanks for your apology, and thanks for accepting my apology. I was kicking myself all last night. I honestly didn't even remember right away that I had said anything. Thank you for understanding. I hope things are going well for you back in the Burg. Some days I really miss it.