Sunday, March 15, 2009


“ It must be borne in mind that the tragedy of life does not lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy of life lies in having no goal to reach"
-Benjamin E. Mays

I found this quote and it really made me think. I haven't really had anything to work towards lately. I talk about all this stuff I want to do and be, and I never do anything about it. I am making a list so I can literally look and see what I want to accomplish. I may comeback to this from time to time to cross a goal off or to add another one on. In no particular order...

1. Do at least one load of a laundry a week to keep things from piling up too much.
2. Try and find at least an hour a day to just write.
3. Keep room clean.
4. Read 3 General Conference talks a week to keep me in tune with the spirit.
5. Try and do at least 2 physically active things a week. I'm starting small...
6. Read my scriptures regularly.
7. Call my parents at least 2 times a week to keep in touch and let them know I love them.
8.Try and read 1 literary classic a month.
9. Update my journal regularly.
10. Eat less junk food.
11. Be better about keeping in contact with friends in San Jose.

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