Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Black Hole of Doom

We're going to play a little number game to catch you up on what's been happening in my life in the last 10 days.

0 - the number of posts I made to my blog :(
2- the number of batches of names I indexed for Family Search (It's pretty cool!)
7- the number of hours I have slept in the past 3 days
8- the number of hours I wasted watching episodes of Grey's Anatomy online.
12- the number of hours spent straight up writing( It's probably more)
14- the number of days until the end of the semester
16- the number of days until I am home
22- the number of pages I wrote for essays(this was in the last 2 days)
50- the number of times I have cursed William Shakespeare and William Faulkner. What is it about the name William?
3456745690- the number of tissues I have used.
100050 x 123678- the number of times I have coughed

INFINITY- the number of times I have thought about coming home and seeing my family. :)

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