Saturday, March 28, 2009

Winter Rears Her White Head

>Rexburg weather is a girl that can't make up her mind. One week she likes the sun and the next she dumps so much white in the sky that you can't see anything. A blizzard is an interesting thing, because while you fear the strong winds and the biting ice, you also can't help but to see the awesomeness of it all.

The fury of snow slicing sideways through the air and the white haze that blankets the sky so much so that shapes are barely discernible. Just the outrageousness of it all is kind of cool. One second it is only wind shaking the trees back and forth, back and forth, and the next all hell is breaking loose with minuscule pieces of ice that feel like shards as they hit your leg and the flakes that melt when they hit your skin causing your mascara to run until you look like a raccoon.

Nature is pretty cool thing when you think about it. It's all powerful and it can do good and bad things. I'm just glad that I was inside for most of the blizzard, and that it wasn't during the school week, because this chick would be staying home.

This video is a little snippet of what the blizzard was like, except ours was worse. Watch it on mute because the dudes are a little annoying and may or may not have said a swear word. :)

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