Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Booties, Booties, Booties, Booties, Walking Everywhere!

Today I made a pair of booties to go along with my baby cap! Again, it took me about an hour longer than everyone else but I got it done! It's kind of nice though, working in an almost empty sewing lab. A girl Tanya, who sits at the machine across and a little over from me, always has to stay late too, so we've become friends. She's really nice and encouraging. She's one of the pregnant girls, along with her twin sister who is a month further along than she is (the things you learn whilst slaving away at a sewing machine...).

So to date I've made:

2 baby caps
1 pair of booties (planning on a second pair)

Next up:
A sleeper!!! Wish me luck!

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