Tuesday, September 8, 2009


As I was driving down one of the main streets if Rexburg, on my way to my storage unit I saw something cool written on the high school marquee. "Live, Love, Learn, Leave a Legacy"

I thought about that as I continued driving. What kind of legacy have I been building? How will I be remembered? I've tried all my life to do what I think is right. Is that enough? Will people recognize that?

It's kind of weird to think about life after you're dead. Not life after death in the eternal sense, but life continuing here on earth after you have left it. I hope that the choices I'm making now will build a legacy that I can be proud of. I want people to look back on my life and see someone who loved the Lord and laughter, who loved reading and words.

So, folks, I'm working on my legacy. I'll let you know how it goes...

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