Thursday, September 23, 2010


Sometimes in life we become complacent. We accept the good things we are doing and play down the not so great ones. Complacent people are not bad people. I'm not a bad person, but I have settled for too long.

When one becomes complacent a shock to the system is needed. Something that will shake up your world, maybe cause you to question the way you've been living your life. Though that sounds painful, and it is, the reality of the situation is that it is a good thing.

We need to get shaken up. The shaking of our lives brings to the surface those less desirable qualities that we manage to keep smothered under the assurances that nothing is wrong.

We can all stand to be a little better. Be kinder, be a harder worker, a better listener. Forgive more, pray more, be grateful. Like I said, we're not bad people, it's just that we can be better.

I myself am a complacent person. I've been stuck in that mentality that everything is "good enough" for me. I'm doing "good enough" in school. I'm doing "good enough" in my family relationships. I'm doing "good enough' in my relationship with my Heavenly Father. But that's not "good enough".

I should be doing more, and intend on changing that mentality. Or trying to at least.

This semester, it is my desire to make some subtle changes, that will hopefully return big results.

Things to work on:
  • Language- I kind of like the sound of "damn" and "hell". I'm a work in progress.
  • Pray more- And not just for help or when I need something, but in gratitude and love as well.
  • Read my scriptures- they're important and I don't give them enough respect.
  • Be less judgmental of others- I don't know their situation, and even if I did, who am I to judge? I'm a screwed up person too.
  • Be nice- not just to the people I like, but to those that drive me insane. Most especially, I want to be nice to myself. I can be a little mean sometimes.
It's unnerving and messy and complicated, but I know that these changes will be good ones. Maybe take the time to examine yourself and your habits. You might find a few things that can be improved.

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