Saturday, January 17, 2009

How to Get Free Clothes

In this post I will proceed to teach how to get new clothes with out actually paying for them, and no this is not a five-finger discount tutorial.

Step 1: Plan to shower
Step 2: Take clothes off in preparation for shower
Step 3: Remember that you left something on the bathroom counter
Step 4: Think about how your only other roommate home is in the living room with friends and shouldn't be walking back to the bathroom that she doesn't even use
Step 5: Open door to grab said something on the bathroom counter
Step 6: Notice that it's only your sister getting ready out there
Step 7: Start to say something to her and be interrupted by a scream
Step 8: Make eye contact with the unrelated person in the bathroom before diving behind the door with pleas of death and a hole opening up beneath you.
Step 9: Poke your head out the door amidst extreme laughter and apologize for subjecting anyone to the sight of you naked
Step 10: Sleep on it
Step 11: Receive free clothes from the flashee in the morning.

Note: Please don't actually go around flashing your roommates. Unless your roommate is your spouse, then have at it, that might be fun :). Another note, flashing may not always result in free clothes from the flashee. After all, not everyone has a rockin bod like I do.


Toni Lynn said...

hahaha! classic

Jenae and Mario said...

lol thats funny i wish mario would give me free clothes everytime i flashed him