My chin in the bottom right pic looks lumpy. Don't ask.
I'm kind of a lazy person. That whole , "never put off for tomorrow, what can be done today" nonsense has never flown with me. I'm all about putting off what can be done today for tomorrow.
Sure I do what's necessary to get by. I do my laundry when my jeans are dirty enough to stand up by themselves and I am completely out of underwear, and there is no money in the bank to go out and buy more.
I do the dishes when the faucet becomes unreachable because of all the crap in the sink.
I pick up my bedroom when it starts to look like a bomb went off. I'm sure if you were to move my pile of dirty clothes, you would find Osama Bin Laden, the perfect man, or some other elusive creature hiding out. It. Gets. Bad.
I'm also horrible about keeping in touch with people. I have a hard time maintaining a relationship with people when we live in the same town, let alone in another state.
I suck at writing letters to people. My good friend, Coop, has been on a mission for over a year, and I have written him once. My roommate, Beth, is serving in Russia and I have yet to send words to her. I'm horrible! If I write the letter, then I don't have stamps. Or if I have stamps, I don't have time to write the letter. It's a vicious cycle. Things just seem to get in the way. I always rationalize this problem by saying " they have other friends writing to them."
But they don't have other friends named Kristi Wallwork writing them, and I'm the only one they got. Sad as I may be, I like to think that I have a little somethin somethin to offer people.
As I've been home for Christmas break this year, I've had the opportunity to serve my mother, who's been ill recently. You can bet growing up that it was harder than all get out to get me to do anything. I pretty much did, and do, whatever I want. What kid in their right mind wants to scrub the bathroom, or do the dishes?
But being able to help my mom I found that a little hard work isn't a bad thing. I've cleaned the kitchen many times this past week, and I appreciate how quickly it gets dirty again, and that's without little kids in the house.
The effort to keep ones' house clean is endless. I find that I'm still able to abide by some mess, but I start to feel guilty for some reason, if I'm laying in bed in the morning and the kitchen is dirty. It's a new development I'm not sure I like.
With the new year approaching, I'm getting an early start on my resolutions. I'm going to be a harder worker. I'll keep you posted folks!